TV System

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SMATV (Satellite Master Antenna TV), is based on the principle that terrestrial and satellite, analog and digital broadcasts being carried to all watching points with certain standards in living areas where multi TV watching points are present. They are widely used in communal living areas as the number of subscribers and requested number of channels increase. Today, the SMATV infrastructures towards future in areas where multi TV watching points are present like building complex, hospitals, mass housing and hotels are applied over coaxial, fiber or hybrid cable infrastructures.

SMATV systems require correct engineering and product use for a healthy and problem-free network. Central TV broadcasts can be made over conventional coaxial cables or IP network installation. IPTV systems increasingly become a preferred solution, with superior additional functions they offer and installation.

SMATV (Satellite Master Antenna TV) and MATV (Master Antenna TV) terms are used to specify all products and systems related to joint or independent receiver, processing and distribution of signals coming from satellite and atmosphere. In large and medium sized projects, it enables domestic and foreign broadcasts to be received over the satellite and be distributed to related locations, and allows the TV images to be watched by the user clearly. This system can also be integrated to cabled TV, digital TV distributer systems and can work together.

MATV (Master Antenna TV) is a system that is created for transmitting the desired number of TV channels over a single cable in residence locations like hospital, dorm buildings, holiday resorts, hotels, business centers etc. With the developing technology; the cable used in SMATV system allows many services along the TC broadcast as well. For example, high speed internet, built-in telephone system, info channel, various interactive services, camera security system etc. are some of these.

IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) are systems where television and / or image signals are distributed to the broadband (cable internet / DSL) user subscribers or audience over internet protocol. IPTV connections should be distributed due to bandwidth requirement of the image broadcast. IPTV includes both live TV broadcast (multicasting) and delayed broadcast (VOD, Video on Demand). A set top box device or a computer is required to be able to view this broadcast.